The regiment was part of the left wing of the front line of the army, under the command of Lieutenant-General Henry Hawley. [27] The remnants withdrew from the battlefield until almost upon Stirling.
Descendants of John Julius of Nth Yarmouth & St Kitts As the regiments deployment appeared to near completion, protests in the eastern colonies began to intensify, evolving from vocal concerns about self-determination and taxation without representation, to rebellion against Britain in 1775. by | Jul 3, 2022 | bet365 bangladesh link | Jul 3, 2022 | bet365 bangladesh link 1. It was raised to help garrison the West Indies during the American Revolutionary War.. History. [50] An attempt to storm it in December resulted in Montgomery's death. [48] After gaining control of the fort following close-quarters battle, the British destroyed the main barracks and three anchored vessels,[48] and departed with provisions and prisoners. [95], Within a year of the battalion's arrival in India,[95] in November 1878, Britain invaded Afghanistan when an ultimatum to its ruler by the Viceroy of India, Lord Lytton, went unanswered. In 1794, the regiment attempted to lift the French Siege of Nijmegen. [25][26] The Duke of Argyll moved north from Stirling and positioned his forces in the vicinity of Dunblane on 12 November. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 6 June 1755 - Action of 6/8 June 1755, 6th June 1755 - 8th June 1755 At Threedecks: On the 6th June, 1755, near the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, [Boscawen's British squadron happened] to fall in with four sail of the line. [57], Emboldened by the two victories, the British landed at Pointe-Claire, on the Island of Montreal, only to withdraw after Forster established the strength of General Benedict Arnold's force at Lachine. [5] In the west, Captain DePeysters negotiations proved instrumental in maintaining peace between the British and tribes such as the Mohawk and Ojibwa nations. On 26th August 1857 the regiment embarked for Madras, arriving on 12th January 1858. Cadogans precarious situation only began to alleviate by the deployment of the Duke of Argylls reinforcements. ===Indian rebellion and Second Afghan War===. [30] One-week later, two companies supported a position that had been under attack for seven hours. The King's became assigned to an expeditionary force sent to the Netherlands under the command of Prince Frederick, Duke of York. [1], For other units with the same regimental number, see,, This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 22:13. [24] Although numerically superior, the Jacobite army did not begin an advance south until November because of the caution of their leader, the Earl of Mar. [58] It spent the year 1865 in Dublin, Ireland, where the battalion supported garrison operations against Irish Republican activity in the city. The regiment took part in further actions at Vincennes and the Battle of Newtown (Elmira, New York) in 1779, as well as the Mohawk Valley in 1780 and Kentucky in 1782. [7][8] The army invaded Bavaria on 2 July and promptly captured the Schellenberg after a devastating assault that included a contingent from the Queen's. f Confined first to a number of Bengal regiments, the mutiny eventually manifested in some areas as a more diverse, albeit disparate, rebellion against British rule. While Whethams men attempted to readjust their dispositions, a mass of Highlanders began a rapid charge. [82] Later in the month, the regiment fought in the Battle of Lundy's Lane. The regiment sustained a single, severely wounded casualty. The Queen's joined an advanced contingent under Lord Cadogan which crossed the Scheldt, via pontoon bridges assembled near Oudenarde, as a prelude to the arrival of the main army.
Naval/Maritime History - 2nd of March - Today in Naval History - Naval John Smith, master of the schooner, deposed that she lay at the Victoria Wharf, Darling Harbour. The Seven Year's War (1756-63 in Europe) found the 8th Regiment on active service against the French in Germany. [13] After a period of recuperation and reinforcement in Nijmegen and Breda, the Queen's returned to active service during the Allies' attempted invasion of France, via the Moselle, in May 1705. [7] To aid the beleaguered Austrian Habsburgs and preserve the alliance, Marlborough sought to engage the French in a definitive set-piece battle in 1704 by advancing into Bavaria, an ally of France, and combining his force with that of Prince Eugene. Despite the French enjoying superiority in numbers, Britain and its Allies defeated an army under the duc de Noailles. [41] The relief's commander, Major Sherburne, surrendered, but the engagement infuriated the Indian contingent as the Allies' only fatality was a Seneca war chief. The 2nd Battalion became the 63rd Regiment of Foot in 1758 and would not be replaced until 1804. On 1 July, the families of the 2nd/8th Regiment, most of whom were suffering from diarrhoea, were removed from the plague hospital to the Crown Work on the Floriana Fortifications. [42] Both battalions formed part of an expedition in 1757 that captured le d'Aix, an island off the western coast of France,[42] as a precursor to a planned seizure of the mainland garrison town of Rochefort. Butterfield conceded the fort on the 19th, on the day an American relief force of about 150 resumed its advance on the Cedars, having previously reembarked aboard bateaux because of exaggerated scout reports. For the remainder of 1706, the Allies systemetically captured towns and fortresses, including Antwerp, Bruges, Brussels, and Ghent. The regiment, commanded by Major Hinde, had been seriously depleted and the combined total of it and the 75th Foot numbered just 450. The French later returned to the offensive, attacking Flanders and capturing territory that had been lost in 1706. On the 11th, the regiment fought in the bloodiest battle of the war: Malplaquet. Along with 11 battalions and 39 squadrons of cavalry under Lord Orkney, the Queens fought initially in what transpired to be a feint attack on the left flank of the French lines. The regiment was part of the left wing of the front line of the army, under the command of Lieutenant-General Henry Hawley. The Regiment took part in the successful Siege of Charleston (March 29 - May 12, 1780) where the battalion companies served alongside the 23rd Regiment of Foot, Royal Welch Fuziliers. The Kings participated in the capture of Rosetta, 65 miles west of Alexandria, and a fort located in Romani. 12-16 September - Regiment participates in raid and skirmishing around Newark, NJ. In May 1706, Villeroi, pressured by King Louis XIV to atone for Frances earlier defeats, initiated an offensive in the Low Countries by crossing the Dyle river.
British Regiments in Canada - Infantry II - RootsWeb They wore newly designed headgear, issued in 1812, called the Belgic shako ( left, Inniskillings Museum ). About 13,000 French soldiers eventually surrendered, including Tallard, while the collective carnage caused more than 30,000 soldiers to become casualties. [11], The effective collapse of Bavaria as a French ally and the capture of its most significant fortresses followed Blenheim by year's end.
By October 1809, some 1,700 of more than 2,000 casualties had succumbed to disease.
An Introduction to the 8th, or "King's," Regiment of Foot The force leapt into the French earthworks, with hand-to-hand fighting ensuing. A pre-existing affiliation with the city had derived from its depot being situated in Liverpool from 1873 because of the earlier Cardwell reforms. The King's remained in Scotland until 1717, by which time the Jacobite uprising had been suppressed. [50] As the Americans landed on the shoreline, the grenadier company engaged them in a bayonet charge with 46 killed, including its commanding officer, Captain Neal McNeale. [36] The regiment also took part in the Battle of Fontenoy in May 1745: the King's Regiment was positioned in the frontline of the Duke of Cumberland's army but a retreat was eventually ordered. 1782 became the 14th (the Bedfordshire) Regiment of Foot. [54] On arriving at the fort on 18 May, the British briefly exchanged fire before Forster parleyed with Bedel's successor, Major Isaac Butterfield, to request his surrender and warn him of the consequences should Indian warriors be committed to battle. The regiment sustained a single, severely wounded casualty. Within a year, in January 1809, the battalion had embarked at Barbados with an expeditionary force of 10,000 assembled to invade Martinique. The regiment soon became engaged in battle near the village of Herlegem, fighting through the hedges until darkness. In July 1814 the regiment fought in the Battle of Chippewa in which the British commander General Phineas Riall retreated after he misidentified American regulars for militia. History [ edit] The regiment was raised at Bromsgrove in Worcestershire by George Waldegrave in July 1779. As infantry of the line, the 8th (King's) peacetime responsibilities included service overseas in garrisons ranging from British North America, the Ionian Islands, India, and the . By October 1809, some 1,700 of more than 2,000 casualties had succumbed to disease. [53][54] Soon after reports were received of the first mutiny at Meerut on 10 May, the 8th's commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Hartley, had two companies secure the fort of Phillaur, near Jullundur, due to the significance of its magazine stores and reports that the 3rd Bengal Native Infantry intended to seize it.[54]. Commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Barry St. Leger, 34th Foot,[59] the force ambushed the American troops at the Battle of Oriskany in August 1777: however a few weeks later the siege collapsed with the disappearance of the dis-spirited native allies. The following month, the Kings took part in the action at Snake Hill during the siege of Fort Erie. In September, the King's assisted in the defence of an encampment in the proximity of Ali Keyl against a large number of Afghans. [91] The regiment also took part in the second Relief of Lucknow in November, seeing much action until withdrawing, after the evacuation of civilians, on the 22nd.
Online Collection | National Army Museum, London [55] Butterfield, whose men had apparently been disconcerted by an earlier display of Indian war chanting, expressed a willingness to do so on the proviso of being allowed to retire with his weapons a condition that Forster refused. The regiments 2nd Battalion, which had been reconstituted in 1857, was itself posted to Malta (in 1863) and India (in 1877), and met up with the 1st Kings on the island and at Mundra, in the Bombay Presidency. [17] Along with 11 battalions and 39 squadrons of cavalry under Lord Orkney,[17] the Queen's fought initially in what transpired to be a feint attack on the left flank of the French lines. The Duke of Berwick decided to follow his father into exile and was replaced by Colonel John Beamon as the . In an environment of systematic reprisal by the British, Captain Octavius Anson, of the 9th Lancers, recalled observing acts of punitive violence against Indian civilians, including the alleged killing of incapacitated villagers by soldiers of the 8th Foot. [64] The 2nd King's fought at the Battle of Peiwar Kotal.
89th (The Princess Victoria's) Regiment of Foot [16] While elements of the main army began to arrive at the bridges, Cadogan advanced on the village of Eyne and swiftly overwhelmed an isolated group of four Swiss mercenary battalions; three surrendered and the fourth attempted to withdraw but was intercepted by Jrgen Rantzau's cavalry.