
Keynotes & presentations

that engage, entertain and educate.

Energize your team with thought-provoking lessons from thought-leader and Keynote Speaker on transformative education and thinking.

Sally's blend of humor & content enables your team to improve their mindset which leads to improved performance and improved results.

Most Requested Keynotes



Most of us are aware of the importance of having the right mindset for accomplishing our goals. To achieve our dreams, it's as simple as thinking positive thoughts and believing in yourself, right? Perhaps, but it's not always as easy as it might appear. As an educator and professional speaker, I've had the pleasure of working with thousands of highly motivated administrators, community leaders, parents and students, helping them to pursue their dreams. And, in that time, I've noticed that although a lot of people think they have the right mindset, many are unknowingly making some very common mistakes. Unchecked, they can derail goals. However, once they're transformed, that is where problems are solved. In this program, we engage in root cause analysis to uncover the mindset required to move mountains, improve performance and drive productivity.

Format: ​60-90-minute keynote (Can be customized)

This program is perfect for:

  • Corporate teams who require a productivity boost and inspiration
  • Associations required to fulfil a huge mandate
  • School administrators & teachers at the beginning of a School Year or a new term
  • The audience will leave with:

  • A shift in mindset about who they are called to be.
  • Tools to uncover powerful mindset shifts required to perform optimally in life and work.
  • A deeper connection to their reason for achieving objectives and increasing performance.
  • An understanding of why daily mind renewal is necessary.
  • A deep explanation of the Renewal Pyramid and why each step is necessary to master productivity (excerpt from SallyAnn's award-winning book & The Renewal: Revive Everything Necessary Empower Within.")
  • Inspiration required to unlock tools within.
  • A clear action plan to implement at work or within teams to achieve identified strategic. objectives

    Fostering a growth mindset in students is a priority for most educators, but sometimes teachers themselves operate with a fixed mindset. No matter how old you are and no matter how good you are at your job, it's important to never stop growing and learning. Even the best teachers are constantly on the hunt for new ideas, new methods, and new ways of thinking to best serve their students. Sure, it might be easier to rest on one's laurels and those already finished lesson plans; but just as we encourage students to always push their learning further, teachers must be continuous learners. In fact, it's human nature to learn and grow. In this session, educators will be challenged to: love to learn, love to teach and love to increase, because teachers can only grow their students as far as they have grown themselves.

    Format: 2-hour keynote/seminar/breakout session (Can be customized)

    This program is perfect for:

  • General Education Teachers in Secondary Institutions.
  • Special Education Teachers in Secondary Institutions.
  • Student teachers. (Education Preparation Programs at the Secondary Level)
  • The audience will leave with:

  • A mindset shift about their role as an educator.
  • Practical tools for classroom implementation that will cause the teacher to lead through influence and not just position.
  • Insight about how to use the GROW Model as a coaching tool that drives student motivation and performance.
  • Tips for improving classroom-based communication for effective lesson delivery.
  • An understanding of how to manage a special needs inclusive classroom.
  • Tools to interpret and use classroom data to drive student performance.
  • Want to take your team to the next level?


    Life is dynamic and constantly changing. It comes with its own unpredictability. Motivation and inspiration are needed to fuel the passion in youth by bringing out varying dormant skills, talents and dreams in them, creating opportunities and knowledge of the path they should follow. Having been adopted at 3 months old, diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at 15 and kicked out of high school at 17, I am no stranger to adversity. As part of this heart-hitting presentation to youth, I intertwine my story of rejection and adversity to demonstrate that anything is possible for them, if only they believe. Teens are introduced to strategies outlined in Sally's second book & Planted in Purpose: What's Feeding Your Roots to uncover passion and purpose hidden inside them.

    Format: ​60-minute keynote (Can be customized)

    This program is perfect for:

  • Teenage boys & girls in school settings.
  • Teenage boys & girls at youth retreats & youth conferences.
  • At Risk Youth in Juvenile, Detention & Remand Centers
  • The audience will leave with:

  • A shift in mindset about who they are, why they were born and what they were born to do.
  • Inspiration from "The SallyAnn Gray story".
  • An understanding that failure is part of their process.
  • Knowledge and insight about how to turn their life around after a mistake.
  • Insight into why their "circle of influence" is important.
  • Tools for choosing friends that align with where they are going.
  • Strategies for creating a "Get Rooted, Get Planted & Get Going" action plan for their future.

    It is often said that "parenting does not come with a manual! SallyAnn disagrees, her book Wayward Teen to Transformed Queen: Strategies to Help Your Teenager Succeed, is a tool that has helped thousands of parents become more deliberate and intentional about their parenting journey. This practical program allows for serious introspection and reflection and helps parents model the adult they want their children to become.


    This program is perfect for:

  • Parents of Teenagers
  • Parents of At-Risk-Youth
  • The audience will leave with:

  • A shift in mindset about their parenting journey.
  • Improved understanding on how teenagers think.
  • Improved understanding of parent desire vs. teenager reality.
  • Improved understanding about parent declarations.
  • Improved understanding about the hidden curriculum in the home.
  • Actionable steps to implement NOW in the home.
  • Understanding of how to choose a Teenager Success Team.
  • Knowledge of how to create and execute on the Individualized. Success Plan (ISP)