conscientious stupidity

Samuel L. Green, Sr. Actually, when it comes to diversity and inclusion, the problem starts with using the word problem. Diversity and inclusion should be about opportunity specifically growth opportunity. Saying that the Earth was not the center of the universe went against teachings of the Church then arguably the most powerful institution in the world at that time this too put ones life at risk. Hire A Caledonia Area Pro To Get A Head Start On Spring Cleaning! I review corporate diversity and inclusion plans for companies all the time. Very conscientious and hardworking, he has developed expert qualities. Many a conservative would say the same about the liberals/progressives/Democrats. conscientious and scrupulous imply an active moral sense governing all one's actions and painstaking efforts to follow one's conscience. to create a situation of brinkmanship that caught the worlds attention. "Love in Action" I | The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Five Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Shape Your Heart Health, Caledonia: Dogs, Cats, Pets Available For Adoption At Area Shelters, Whos Hiring Throughout Caledonia: This Weeks Newest Job Openings. Written in our Constitution is the formula for representation of the states where every man gets a single vote and the slaves were considered three fifths of a person and not considered to have rights (women none at all). We must remember that intelligence is not enough. You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. Dr. King: Sincere Ignorance, Conscientious Stupidity Thats how companies end up solving for the wrong things at the wrong time thus widening opportunity gaps. The views expressed in this post are the author's own. And when one is concerned about that, he can never advocate violence. Those words have never seemed more apt than when Public Policy Polling (PPP) released the results of a report on Friday which stated that 30% of American Republican primary voters said they supported the bombing of Agrabah. "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.". I recall obama chstising Bush fior the debt increses. This is one of my favorite quotes by Martin Luther King Jr. Those representing the old-school way of thinking were sincere and conscientious (in their ignorance and stupidity). She then dropped her glasses in the toilet. Through violence you may murder a liar, but you cant establish truth. If were looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldnt test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power., Do not ever say that the desire to do good by force is a good motive. Ultimately a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a moulder of consensus. The need to change the term to climate change duly noted, that too cannot be linked to carbon dioxide emissions. 4 Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - National Council of - NCTE They really believe these things to be true. Explore many more original texts by Martin Luther King, Jr. in this digital archive. We now recognize the pure folly of that way of thinking. Thanks for your comment. Worthy of note, and perhaps less covered in the headlines, is the fact that 19% of Democrats also said they would support such action. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Thanks Was looking for the quote and found this blog post. I have inherited my dads lack of patience for stupidity and because of this mind set, I seem to come across stupidity more than usual. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. Martin Luther King, Jr. And he's allowed me to go up to the mountain. It is the policy of NCTE in all publications, including the Literacy & NCTE blog, to provide a forum for the open discussion of ideas concerning the content and the teaching of English and the language arts. "I'm concerned about a better world. Terry Levine | Move diversity and inclusion out of human resources. One comment I must make in the vein of sincere ignorance. Let all of us as Ghanaians understand . Send us feedback. The links go to the full texts from which these quotes were drawn, as well as some resources that you may find useful for the classroom. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'conscientious.' It's from Martin Luther King and it's become one of my favorites, maybe because it speaks so clearly to the kind of divisive politics going on in the US right now. Secondly, that there is a tendency towards knee jerk reactions for violent attacks in response to conflict, even when there is no actual threat from the region, and this needs to urgently be addressed. Diversity and inclusion must be about understanding your identity and the identities of all people. Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Darkness cannot put out darkness; only light can do that.. The Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councillor or the Ku Klux Klanner but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice. US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 - 1968) More quotations on: [ Stupidity] [ Ignorance] View a Detailed Biography of Martin Luther King Jr. View all 34 . Most equipped only with large swords, poorly integrated with airpower (Shashank Joshi). Want to post on Patch? Diversity and inclusion requires diverse and non-diverse leaders to work together to create a culture that embraces diversity of thought and deploys the required best practices, development tools, and resources to maximize talent engagement, advancement, workplace performance, and overall satisfaction. Thats what happens when you fail to operationalize diversity and inclusion by moving people to the center of your growth strategy when all employees (not just diverse populations) are disconnected from being influential. When he was talking about finite disappointment, King was talking about being let down to a certain degree. But a vast number of these initiatives prove ineffective or fail within a year or two. Nothing In All The World Is More Dangerous That Sincere - StudyMode Conscientious stupidity Doing something stupid while trying to do something good for the planet and society. This doesn't excuse them of course because those beliefs are mostly based on an anti-elite intellectual laziness that's dangerously taken hold in the most powerful country on earth. Jamala Rogers Jan 16, 2022 Photo by muthengi mbuvi on Unsplash The full quote of Dr. Martin Luther King is "There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.". From The Purpose of Education in the February 1947 edition of the Morehouse College student newspaper, the Maroon Tiger. conscientious stupidity in English dictionary conscientious stupidity Sample sentences with " conscientious stupidity " Declension Stem Match words A. H. M. Jones writes that Constantius "appears in the pages of Ammianus as a conscientious emperor but a vain and stupid man, an easy prey to flatterers. Raised floors and everything shattered and angry with conscientious stupidity. January 6, 2016 by Megan Stagman. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.. Morris Brown AME Church uses cookies on our website to personalize your experience and improve our efforts. 1. Firstly, that international awareness and geographical knowledge is critically important, and yet seriously lacking in many parts of the Western world. Willful ignorance is a cognitive . The complete education gives one not only power of concentration, but worthy objectives upon which to concentrate.. Through violence you may murder a liar, but you cant establish truth. I pray daily for our nations well being and for those so insecure in themselves that they buy into political propaganda that tells them that they dont have to think and that education is a bad thing. This is not surprising when you consider that most diversity and inclusion initiatives are developed to comply with corporate governance and self-regulation (often under the heading Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR). I realize this flies in the face of the alleged science, but the truth is the truth. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Willful ignorance tends to be more adaptive than self-deception. I believe, based on a great deal of contemplation and analysis of the facts, anthropogenic global warming is a false narrative. Take the following assessment and find out. August 16, 1967. | "I'm concerned about a better world. conscientious stupidity - Monico Perez In honor and celebration of a writer and orator whose words changed the world, we offer four short quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But if you read it carefully, you can see how it relates to the Civil Rights Movement. Leadership must support diverse populations activating and leveraging their full potential while avoiding any tension that may disrupt engagement, their overall performance, and thus growth. One of my favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quotes is: There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. And I am just going to come out and say it: Most diversity and inclusion initiatives fall into the former category: sincere ignorance. upright implies a strict adherence to moral principles. There are a number of things that we can learn from this.